Sunday, June 13, 2010

Raising the Stakes (or why we haven't bought yarn yet...)

    I won't lie. I'm really not looking forward to playing this game.  Well, ok, maybe unconsciously I've kinda sorta been putting off yarn shopping. Alright, Alright.  I admit...perhaps it hasn't been so unconscious at all.  We made a deal: I won't create "my character" until Jeremy has yarn and crochet hook in hand. 

    Tuesday, Jeremy was all set and ready to run out to the super-duper-mega-monster craft store to pick out yarn, however, Joshua had to raise funds at the local chain restaurant for his Youth Group.  By the time the evening concluded, the super-duper-mega-monster craft store was closed.  I was so sad.

    Wednesday, he had to prepare for his second job: teaching computer classes at the local institute.  Rats.

    Thursday, he was teaching.  Too bad his classes ended long after the super-duper-mega-monster store closed. Man, was I ever bummed.

    Friday came and went, and neither one of us can remember what happened, that's how memorable the day was  But obviously, we were too busy to go purchase necessary yarn and hook. What a shame.

    Saturday, I was at some things looming, brainstorming, and doing a little prep work for the closing of our most recent exhibit: TeXt/TeXTiLe.  I ran home around seven in the evening, hoping we could make it out, but unfortunately, there just wasn't enough time.  Jeremy had been working in the yarn and needed to clean up.  Scattered throughout the neighborhood, our kids were running around screaming like banshees, clothed in a days worth of dirt and sweat, and completely unfed.  By the time they ate their supper, and Jeremy was sparkling clean, well, I just plain lost my energy for such energetic endeavors such as shopping for yarn.  Plus, we only would have had about fifteen minutes til closing by the time we arrived at the super-duper-mega-monster craft store's yarn aisle.


    "You know," Jeremy said to me, "You could just start your character. I don't need to have my yarn yet."
     "Oh no. I'm not taking that risk," I said. "You'll have yarn in hand, and THEN I'll start my character."
     "Ok. But if I'm making a scarf. You have to get to at LEAST level 20 before you can be released from this challenge."
     "Level twenty?" I said in a very very small voice.
     "Yeah. I think that's fair. Level twenty."

     I let out a big sigh.  Suddenly the tables have turned. Or rather, maybe the playing field has just become more level.

     I wonder how much longer I can find excuses to purchase yarn.


  1. You mean to tell me that Walmart doesn't have anything suitable? It's not like this is going to be a masterpiece. Open 24 hours

  2. paragraph 6...I love the Freudian slip..."Jeremy had been working in the yarn..."
