Friday, June 18, 2010

In which, I began my slippery slide downhill

For the record, I feel absolutely ridiculous. But, I kept up my end of the bargain.  After we got home from purchasing yarn, I made a character. I even did my first 'quest' and freed some hobbitses. 

Having every intention to make an elf, I sat down with Jeremy and loaded up the game.

    "You can't be on Silverlode. I'm on Silverlode, but there's no more room.  This one here would be a good one, or this would be a good one," he said pointing to two other "worlds."
    "Um, is that like a server?" I asked. 
    "Yes, exactly." He said.
    "Okey dokey."
    "I don't know if I'd be an elf if I were you," he said.
    "Why not?"
    "Well, unless you want to be a girl, because all elves look like girls. The male elfs are very effeminate."
    "Hmm, so the choices are, I can be a girl and make her the opposite of me, tall, gorgeous, and pretend that's what I look like. Because, after all, this whole concept of role playing games is to pretend to be something you're not, right?  OR I can make eye candy?"
    "Um, yeah. I suppose so." He said, not sure what else to say.
    "Ok. Maybe I won't be an elf. Maybe I'll be a human guy, Instead. Because I don't want to be a hobbit or a dwarf and you've said I probably won't like being an elf. All I really know is I want to be a hunter because you said a hunter's main weapon is bow and arrow." 

    I didn't mind making the character so much, because it wasn't too far off from playing one of the girls' fashion plates kind of games where you design the model from head to toe before making cool designer outfits. Or, I suppose making a mii on the wii. 
    "First you have to come up with a name," Jeremy said.
    "Oh, I'm so horrible at coming up online names," I said with dismay.
     "Well, they give you suggestions," He pointed out. "See?"
Throwing together a few of the prefix and suffixes the game suggested to me,  I sighed. "This is silly, " I said. "I feel silly. Maybe I should just borrow your schtick of putting 'Sham' in front of it instead."
     "No, you don't want to do that," Jeremy said. I think he was feeling a little possessive of his prefix. With a few exceptions, several of his characters have "sham" in front of their names in honor of his birthday gift of a "Sham-Wow" which was wrapped up along with the Lord of the Rings Online game box.  Our brother-in-law had even written a lovely little birthday message that went something along the lines of "Say good-bye to eating, sleeping, working, etc. Happy Birthday"  I don't remember if there was an evil laugh, a "Muhahahaha" written after the message or not,  but it definitely was implied.
    "But I don't know what else to do, and at least, if I get tired of this character, you can keep it."
    "You won't get tired of your character," Jeremy said with all confidence of an addict,  "And besides, I already have a hunter."
    I looked at him with my sad eyes, and said, "Ok. But I'm at least putting 'Mel' in there somewhere. I just thought I could use Sham and Mel together." 
    Jeremy pondered it for a moment, and then said, "Ok. That's not bad. I guess that would work."

     I changed all the features, and found myself slightly embarrassed to have made a character with swarthy skin and longish hair. Hmm.  Looking over at my husband, I said, "Maybe you should grow your hair out." 
     He laughed and said, "Uh, Maybe not."  He made me feel better by showing me that he has one character named after me.  Aww, how sweet. I've been immortalized in an interactive multi-player online role-playing game. "So," he continued, "Do you want to start a quest?"

next... Jeremy's shopping trip...

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