Friday, September 10, 2010

Does talking about playing count?

        Well, it's my birthday. The pressure is on in this house to get a 'free account."  Driving home from vacation last weekend, the entire family was abuzz over the changes on LOTRO.

        "So, Daddy, Can I have a membership?" Ruth asked.
        "Sure. What are you going to be?"
        "I want to be a Captain."
        "Ok. How about you, Joshua?"
        "I think I'll be a Warden or maybe a Rune Keeper."
         "Hey, and I'll be a Healer," Jeremy said.  He paused for a moment, and I knew, just knew what was coming next. "And if you set up your own free account, you could be a Hunter, and we could have our own little fellowship!"
         "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" came the chorus from the back of the van.
          "Can I have a membership?" Hannah asked.
           "I dunno, Hannah," Jeremy answered. "I think you might be too little to manage all the controls.
I seriously thought he was under-estimating her, as we all do, but wisely kept my mouth shut. After all, he still hadn't figure out that we have at least four players and only three computers. a minute.... And that's when I figured out he had conned me.  I was actually considering playing this stupid game with my family.  Smart man that he is,  he decided to sic my offspring on me, knowing I have trouble resisting their charms.  Ok, I lie. I can resist them pretty well, most times, but the enthusiasm for a family fellowship was contagious, and I slid right in line, just like he had hoped. I pondered this revelation while the family continued plotting and planning domination over middle-earth.

       "But..." I interrupted the LOTRO jargon spoken over and around my head. The van became very silent anticipating my words.  "I'd have to start all over," I whined. "I don't want to start all over."
        "What. You're a level 3?" Josh scoffed.
        "I'm a level seven, thank you very much, and I'd really like to not repeat that nonsense again," I said.
        "It'd only take you about forty minutes to get your new character to Shammel's level." Jeremy said.
        I rolled my eyes in response.

        See how he does that? Not 'a new character' but 'your new character' as if it's already a done deal. I suppose if I'm already entertaining these thoughts, he has a right to assume it's a done deal.

       Sigh.  Now I just have to wonder how 'hot' of a hunter I want to make this guy. And what should I name him this time?

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