Sunday, September 26, 2010

I succummed to the peer pressure...

...I have my own free account.  I have a new character.  I've already leveled up to five in the intro area.  I'm even starting to sound like the rest of these online-multi-player-role-playing-gaming-geeks.  Ok, not really.   I'm still calling things a whosit and a whatsit...But I did find the second time through a lot easier.  And I actually know how to use my weapons. Big improvements for someone like me.

         Before you say "Of course it is, you dummy" I should clarify now I'm an elf, a girl-elf named Elemanie, because I'm just so creative with names; a hunter-girl-elf-named-Elemanie, because I like playing with bows and arrows. (I was told I had to be an elf for the sake of making a future fellowship).  The intro-area, I've learned, for an elf is different from that of a man, which is Shammel's race.  So, the quests are different, the landscape is different, and the stuff I earn is different.  Even Jeremy said I had improved.


          I think I'm just more patient with the back and forth, talk to this guy, kill these things, gather that stuff, and come back and talk to that guy again, train (but not really), sell off all your old things to the local Elven GoodWill dealio that is intregal to this particular game.

I still can't find my way around the map.

My character still runs like she's drunk.

          Jeremy logged on to his 'free account' so that we could 'fellowship together.'  Sitting side by side, he 'invited' me to be a part of his 'fellowship.'  "Now, click this icon so you can travel to my dynamic layer."
          "Your dynamic what what?"
          "We're in the same area, same location on a different layer.  You can travel to my layer as I'm the fellowship leader."
          So I clicked and watched Elemanie teleport to the exact same location.  "I don't see you," I said. "Am I supposed to see you?"
          "Huh," Jeremy said. "That's weird. That's a bug or something.  Shoulda worked. Let me log out, and this time you invite me."
          Logging out and back in, he instructed me how to 'invite' someone to a fellowship. In the meantime "Fflyboy" decided I looked fellowshipworthy and 'invited' me.  Being the anti-social kind, I declined.  Hopefully I haven't crushed his elven little heart. "Now, do you see me?" I asked.
         "No. This is strange. Must be a bug." 
        "What if we both logged out and back in?" 
        "Worth a shot."
         We wasted a good five minutes logging in and out, 'inviting' one another and teleporting ourselves to the exact same location we were before.  
         "Very odd," Jeremy said. "I can see your dot on the map. Here.  Press 'M'.  See? That's me."
         "It's like we're invisible. ooooOOoooeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhh...." I sang my creepy ghost  noise, earning me a sharp glance from the hubby sitting to my left.
         "Oh well. That's just sad," He said, disappointed.  Frankly, I was a little disappointed too. I was hoping to follow in his shadow and avoid getting lost trying to find all these quests and people with the rings overhead.  
         "You should post it on the discussion board," a disembodied voice floated down the hall into the office.
         "I believe you're supposed to be doing homework, Josh," Jeremy said.  Turning to me he said, "Well, just keep going. I'm doing the same quests anyhow.  Maybe it will work later once we're out of the intro-training area."
           I returned with a non-committal, "Maybe."

         Playing for another fifteen minutes or so, I noticed the time on the computer clock.  "Dinner. We need to feed the children."
        "Yeah, well, you're leaving soon, and they need to eat."
          Jeremy sighed, "Yeah, I know."
          "I'll tell you what. I'll log out too...and then I'll play again later with you. Maybe it will work again later."
          "Maybe," he said, after shutting down the main computer.   I logged out, logged into the blog, and began to type every non-exciting moment up before I forgot.

After all, it might be weeks again before you see another post from me. 

 He still only has 10 rows of crochet. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Does talking about playing count?

        Well, it's my birthday. The pressure is on in this house to get a 'free account."  Driving home from vacation last weekend, the entire family was abuzz over the changes on LOTRO.

        "So, Daddy, Can I have a membership?" Ruth asked.
        "Sure. What are you going to be?"
        "I want to be a Captain."
        "Ok. How about you, Joshua?"
        "I think I'll be a Warden or maybe a Rune Keeper."
         "Hey, and I'll be a Healer," Jeremy said.  He paused for a moment, and I knew, just knew what was coming next. "And if you set up your own free account, you could be a Hunter, and we could have our own little fellowship!"
         "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" came the chorus from the back of the van.
          "Can I have a membership?" Hannah asked.
           "I dunno, Hannah," Jeremy answered. "I think you might be too little to manage all the controls.
I seriously thought he was under-estimating her, as we all do, but wisely kept my mouth shut. After all, he still hadn't figure out that we have at least four players and only three computers. a minute.... And that's when I figured out he had conned me.  I was actually considering playing this stupid game with my family.  Smart man that he is,  he decided to sic my offspring on me, knowing I have trouble resisting their charms.  Ok, I lie. I can resist them pretty well, most times, but the enthusiasm for a family fellowship was contagious, and I slid right in line, just like he had hoped. I pondered this revelation while the family continued plotting and planning domination over middle-earth.

       "But..." I interrupted the LOTRO jargon spoken over and around my head. The van became very silent anticipating my words.  "I'd have to start all over," I whined. "I don't want to start all over."
        "What. You're a level 3?" Josh scoffed.
        "I'm a level seven, thank you very much, and I'd really like to not repeat that nonsense again," I said.
        "It'd only take you about forty minutes to get your new character to Shammel's level." Jeremy said.
        I rolled my eyes in response.

        See how he does that? Not 'a new character' but 'your new character' as if it's already a done deal. I suppose if I'm already entertaining these thoughts, he has a right to assume it's a done deal.

       Sigh.  Now I just have to wonder how 'hot' of a hunter I want to make this guy. And what should I name him this time?